Getting A Mortgage Loan Originator License In Florida – An Overview
If you are interested in a career in Florida that is not only lucrative but also gives you the satisfaction of helping people secure mortgage loans to buy their dream homes, becoming a mortgage loan originator should be your calling. This post will take you through the steps to get a mortgage loan originator license in Florida . Click here to learn more about getting a mortgage loan originator license in Florida. ü Ensure that you are at least 18 years old and a citizen of the USA. Visit the National Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) portal, the controlling body for the mortgage industry, and create an account. You will be issued an ID number that will be valid throughout your career as a mortgage loan originator. ü Complete the pre-licensing coursework which consists of two parts. One of 20 hours duration covers the fundamentals of the mortgage industry, in general, relevant to all the states in the USA. The other is for 2 hours and focuses on the mortgage rules and regulations...